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In person in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+7Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: personallySimilar words: personpersonalpersonallypersonnelthe first personever soor soinputMeaning: adv. in the flesh; without involving anyone else in-person. adj. an appearance carried out personally in someone else's physical presence. 
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91. Oh, by Jupiter, and talking of Ben Gunn ! why this is the mischief in person.
92. Say you're traveling and finally get to meet a longtime e-pal from your fantasy baseball league ... in person.
93. There were formalities: the five-day waiting period and an appearance in person at the wedding license bureau.
94. An agent bank shall provide a one-time free account information inquiry service for a client that conducts the USW business in person.
95. Witnesses must testify in person and be subject to cross-examination.
96. As a bonus,[ person.html] he'll be able to receive his 1 posthumous praise in person.
97. They are very uncleanly -- these people -- in face, in person and dress.
98. The only way to guarantee that the public key signature is from the owner is for the owner to hand you the key on a disk, in person.
99. Apart from all this, the university will offer a course of "Innovative Qualities, " for which President Zhu Qingshi will in person lecture on "How Did Galois Invent Group Theory."
100. Legal representatives of existing clients who open it in person should provide the original ID card of the legal representative and the letter of authorization.
101. Performs the idealization the reality in person, but produces the new artistic style.
102. It is not coherent if it has faulty parallel constructions, pronouns with ambiguous reference, dangling or misplaced modifiers, confusing shifts in person and number, or in voice, tense, and mood.
103. Litigant documents shall be delivered directly to the addressee in person.
104. In September, the institute expanded with a new wing called the Stephen Hawking Centre but the cosmologist was unable to attend in person and sent his regards by video.
105. We say that the assemblage is fundamentally libidinal and unconscious. It is the unconscious in person.
106. All unfulfilled matters will be discussed in detail , in person.
107. For interested parties , please apply in person at Charis Circle or Charis Square.
108. In person, as in her book, she is more identifiably maternal than tigerish.
109. Any application for transfer to sub-purchaser must be made in person by the purchaser and sub-purchaser jointly at the sales office.
110. You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification.
111. She was small and slight in person , pale, sandy - haired.
112. Please complete this form and return it to any Dah Sing branch In Person for processing.
113. The members had to bring the guest in person, to meet the Patroness, who granted a "Stranger's Ticket" if she approved of the guest.
114. And at a send-off ceremony for American Olympians at the White House, he said he can not wait to cheer them on in person.
115. In person, people saw how I presented and addressed me accordingly; email was pleasingly genderless.
116. If you want to get a visa, you will have to apply in person.
117. Cassandra says : " Not in person, but he watched it via closed circuit . "
118. We prefer to meet someone in person, not just browse pics of his pecs.
119. They may also vote in person or by proxy on a variety of corporate matters, including the most important matter of who should run the corporation.
120. Visit Lopez's home in the village of Sanxenxo in the rainy northern Spanish region of Galicia and you see her ability to pour out words on the net is matched by loquaciousness in person.
More similar words: personpersonalpersonallypersonnelthe first personever soor soinputin partsonin placein publicin point ofin place ofpass onreasonseasonin practiceprisonerresonatein seasonin particulara case in pointcomparisonhersin proportion toothersby comparisonPersianpersist
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